Now available by popular demand for non-HammerHead Spearguns!!! While the Team at HammerHead Spearguns might admonish you for not purchasing a HammerHead Speargun outright, fear not we have not abandoned you.
Use our Roller Upgrade Kits to convert your existing non-HammerHead Speargun to a “Roller” to double the potential power and virtually eliminate recoil for unparalleled accuracy and performance. This is the same Reef Roller Muzzler used in our Evolution^2 Roller Spearguns.
This Roller Upgrade Kit comes with everything you need to professionally install the HammerHead Reef Roller Muzzle to your non-HammerHead Speargun. This Kit also includes the proper Roller Shaft and Roller Band configuration so you’ll be “Ready to Roll” (pun intended) the first time you take your “new” modified speargun into the water.
For those of you who are slightly more hesitant to “Pimp” their existing speargun HammerHead has created a whole series of “How to Videos” to help ease you through the process to convert your existing HammerHead Speargun to a Roller Speargun. If you need help convincing yourself to upgrade to a Roller Spearguns, we also made videos for that too!!!
This Roller Muzzle Upgrade Kit is designed for compatibility with the European Standard of 24.5 mm ID Speargun Barrels. Generally this size ID is used on the following brands of spearguns, it is the user’s obligation to research if a Roller Muzzle and its additional power requirements is acceptable for your speargun handle and barrel strength. Typical brands of spearguns which utilize 24.5 mm ID barrels include: Apnea, Beauchat, Cressi, Devoto-Sub, Esclapez, Omer, Pathos, Picasso, Rob Allen, Seac-Sub, Seatec Italy, Spetton, Sporasub, Torelli, and others….
- Reef Roller Muzzle
- Shaft
- Roller Bands
HammerHead Evolution^2, w/ Reef Roller Muzzle is the ideal set-up for hunting fast moving fish in Hawaii and abroad. The Reef Roller Muzzle effectively doubles the potential band stretch of your HammerHead Evolution^2 Speargun adding increased range and power in a compact space.
By utilizing both the top and bottom of the speargun barrel a Roller Muzzle effectively doubles the potential power over a traditional speargun configuration. With your HammerHead Evolution^2 Reef Roller you can easily hide your gun flush against your body while ambush hunting (Lie and Wait Technique) furthermore the doubling of band stretch ensures you will have the reach to hit the most wary of targets.
Perfectly Designed, Manufactured, and Rigged in Hawaii the HammerHead Evolution^2 Reef Roller Spearguns features these innovative advantages:
- Reef Roller Muzzle
- The company that created the Open Muzzle Revolution over a decade ago now releases a perfectly simple Roller Muzzle for reefs and in-shore environments. The Reef Roller Muzzle’s intuitive design keeps the shooting line away from the shaft and bands avoiding complicated tangles. It’s low profile shape reduces drag and further ads to the stealth and power of the speargun. Made from Stainless Steel and Glass Nylon construction the Reef Roller is the absolute perfect Single Roller (one band) set-up for all your spearfishing demands.
- Roller Shaft
- HammerHead’s proprietary Roller Shaft has the shark-fin welded to the flat of the shaft eliminating shooting line tangles and maximizing band stretch. Made with a Loading Tab which also functions as an attachment for your shooting line the HH Roller Shaft aids in loading the logarithmic band stretch of a Roller. Manufactured in the USA by HammerHead Spearguns.
- Perfect Roller Speargun Rigging
- HammerHead Spearguns design team created the perfect rigging for the Raptor Roller Series. Using HammerHead Spearguns Small ID Rubber which minimizes water intrusion into the core of the rubber when overstretched.
- The highly elastic nature of HammerHead’s US Manufactured pure latex formulation with additional modulus optimizes Roller Speargun performance. Often times this is referred to as “Progressive Stretch” where the speargun band is able to elongate past 400% where the logarithmic increase in power is obtained.
- HammerHead also is the design owner of the Metal Coil Wishbone, the strongest cord wishbone on the market. This patent pending technology is a one of a kind for Roller Spearguns.